Images from the sky are amazing, especially if they trick your eye a big. We compiled some drone patterns that may make you stop and do a double-take to see what you really think you’re seeing. Some of these patterns are relatively easy to spot, while others may take you awhile to sort out what the images really are. But keep in mind, these are all real drone shots of every-day patterns that really look awesome from the sky.
Do you have any good drone patterns you’d like us to take a look at? If so, feel free to contact us and send them our way and we’ll see if we can include them on the next gallery. Enjoy these drone patterns!
1. Dude, where’s my car?

2. Get your beach gear ready

3. Shhhh, the concert is about to begin

4. Old and tire(d)

5. Matchbox car tractors

6. One serious school in the sea

7. Boat by boat by boat

Aren’t these awesome? Please send us any of your best drone patterns and we’ll include them in the next ‘best of’ gallery if they’re good enough!
8. Derelict boat aftermath

9. Some burnt wine corks….or?

10. Searching for that perfect Christmas tree

11. Snowy graveyard of cars

12. Move some serious freight

13. Welcome to the neighborhood

14. Welcome to the city block