Clouds and fog may be a bummer for driving or flying a plane – but it’s a whole new game for drones. The cloud and fog drone shots you see from talented pilots are pretty remarkable because, yes, it takes talent to first take a great image, but second, the clouds or fog add a whole new dimension to an image you may not expect. It’s added ‘beauty’ to an already beautiful shot. And it can add added feeling to the perspective without event trying.
Check out some of these breathtaking cloud and fog drone shots from pilots around the world. You’ll notice a few from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, because, well, there’s a lot of fog and a beautiful bridge…so why not. Enjoy!
1. The corner property

The fog rolls in on the corner of this forest in some remote areas of Oregon. A bit sinister, but beautiful to say the least.
2. Mystery Man

An amazing capture. The pilot says: “Above the clouds at Rattlesnake Ledge in Washington. Here is another from yesterday’s adventure in the snow and fog at Rattlesnake Ledge. I don’t know who the person in this photo is, but whoever you are, thanks for standing perfectly in the gap in the trees.”
3. The Seattle Stratosphere

The Space Needle and Mount Rainier peeking out of the cloud deck on an overcast day in Seattle, Washington.
4. Golden Gate Greatness

The pilot simply calls this one “ill communications”.
5. Drone on the hunt for it’s own sunset

Sometimes you have to lose your line of sight to truly capture the most beautiful of images (while being safe, of course!).
6. Good ol’ San Luis Obispo, California

The clouds rolling up the mountains in San Luis Obispo in California. A view people on the ground just never had the chance to see…until now. Peaceful up there.
7. Cutting through the wind and clouds

Wind turbines are something out of this world. Generating energy as they spin away…these bohemoths are amazing to watch, even in the clouds. The pilot got this aerial shot with the GoPro 4 mounted on a Phantom 2 with Zenmuse H3-3D Gimbal.
8. Sifting through Shanghai

Gorgeous drone shot of fog rolling through Shanghai, China. (via S. Huang)
9. Rising up in Dallas

A few weeks ago we were able to capture Chase tower in Dallas, TX during beautiful morning fog
10. I left my heart in San Francisco

It was eaten by the fog. Beautiful shot.
Have a good drone cloud or fog shot?
We’d love to see it. Send it to us or hashtag us at #FullDrone or mention us at @FullDrone the next time you post online and if we like your image – we’ll post it for our readers!